Ken Lyons

Ken Lyons is a self-proclaimed “neat freak,” and he loves creating new hacks for ways to clean everything from suit jackets to kitchen surfaces better and faster. He’s been a fastidious cleaning nut and writing about it for more than a decade.

About Ken Lyons

Ken Lyons is one of the founding members of Cleaner Digs. He is also the senior editor and contributing author. Ken has owned and operated two cleaning companies in the past: one commercial and one that serviced residential customers. He writes for Clean Digs to share his professional expertise on cleaning and organization. He's been a fastidious cleaning nut and writing about it for more than a decade.

Articles by Ken Lyons

how to wash a bamboo pillow
where is the samsung top load washer filter location
how to iron a pleated skirt
What Does Soil Level Mean on a Washer?
how to close an ironing board the right way
great ironing board alternatives
how to declutter your kids messy playroom
the safest carcinogen-free cleaning products
alternatives to lysol
how to get yellow stains out of white shoes
How to Get Detergent Stains Out of Clothes
learn how to get grass stains out of jeans
learn how to get sweat stains out of hats
learn how to get mold out of carpet
learn how to clean old coins without damaging them
how to get mold out of clothes
how to wash a crotchet blanket
learn about cleaning windows with newspaper
essential housekeeping materials
can you iron polyester?
how to clean a samsung washer
learn how to get bleach out of clothes
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how to get rid of burnt popcorn smell in your house
how to wash a fleece blanket
how to get playdough out of clothes
how to get playdough out of carpet
how long does it take to wash clothes?
how to clean crocs with fur
Can You Wash Crocs in The Washing Machine?
make a blanket soft again
can you iron jeans
how to wash a dreamcatcher
how to clean white crocs
how to wash a minky blanket